This is the love story of me and my husband.  I was in an abusive relationship before I met him and my abusive boyfriend abandoned me in Salt Lake City.  I came back to Virginia to "visit" my parents and decided to date a little while I was here. 
I put a personal ad in the paper and I had about 15 responses the first day.  I only decided to call one back.  That was Thom.  We talked for about an hour that day and we decided to meet (the ironic part about the whole thing was that I talked to him for the first time on my ex's birthday.)  We had our first date two days later, on July 4th.  We went to see the fireworks at a local park.
We were engaged four days later and married exactly 3 1/2 months after we met.  We are still together and in love, despite some ups and downs and I truly believe we will be together forever.  We have added 2 children to our family and I couldn't be happier.